Application Name: Be Calisthenics

Be Calisthenics aims to revolutionize the management and interaction within the Street Workout Federation. The application will provide a platform for individual clubs within the federation to have their own personalized applications while being connected to a central hub. This central hub will facilitate member registration, payment processing, progression tracking, and communication between athletes and clubs.

Key Features:

1.  Personalized Club Applications: Each club within the Street Workout Federation will have its own personalized application created using FlutterFlow. This application will allow clubs to manage their members, schedules, and events.
2.  Central Hub Connectivity: All individual club applications will be connected to a central hub within the Be Calisthenics application. This central hub will serve as an intermediary platform, facilitating communication and interaction between athletes and clubs across the federation.
3.  Membership Management: The application will automate the management of member registrations and validate federation membership. Clubs will be able to track member information, payment status, and attendance.
4.  Payment Processing: Be Calisthenics will enable secure payment processing for federation memberships, club fees, and online sessions. Athletes can easily pay their dues through the application, streamlining the financial aspect of the federation.
5.  Progression Tracking: The application will include tools for athletes to track their progress in calisthenics training. Premium accounts will offer features for connecting athletes of different skill levels, allowing for mentorship and progression validation.
6.  Administration Tools: Clubs will have access to administrative tools within their personalized applications for managing memberships, events, and communication with members.

Development Approach:
The development of Be Calisthenics will be divided into several phases:

1.  Planning and Design: Detailed planning and UI/UX design will precede the development phase to ensure clarity and coherence in the application’s structure and user experience.
2.  Backend Development: The backend infrastructure will be developed to manage the database, user accounts, payments, and communication between the individual club applications and the central hub.
3.  Frontend Development: Using FlutterFlow, the frontend development will focus on creating the personalized club applications and integrating them with the central hub.
4.  Testing and Iteration: Extensive testing will be conducted throughout the development process to identify and address any issues or bugs. Feedback from users and stakeholders will inform iterative improvements.

Be Calisthenics aims to streamline the management and interaction within the Street Workout Federation through personalized club applications connected to a central hub. By automating processes, facilitating communication, and providing tools for progression tracking, Be Calisthenics will enhance the experience for athletes and clubs alike within the federation.